Listening to the body, observing the body and applying sequences of firm gentle holds


Jin Shin Jyutsu does not diagnose or treat, it simply focuses on the harmony inherent in the body and clearing the blockages that disrupt the expression of this harmony in body, mind and heart. This is relevant to anybody in any state of health, strength and happiness.

A Jin Shin Jyutsu session may begin with a very short interview to establish what the client wishes to work with. After this I would usually spend some time simply observing the body - where tension sits in the body, whether one shoulder is higher than another, the way the hands rest, or the toes bend and such details. I also listen to client's pulses, before beginning to place my hands on you and sometimes several times during the session. Simply Jin Shin Jyutsu is applying sequences of holds to energise specific "safety energy locks". Only gentle firm pressure is utilised during holds, no massage or deep pressure is applied.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is gentle and non-invasive, yet has deep effect.

During a Jin Shin Jyutsu session the client remains fully clothed and reclines on a therapy table. No special clothing is required for a Jin Shin Jyutsu session; rather it is important that client is comfortable. If a client needs to eat directly before a session it is helpful to have a fairly light meal. Sessions are commonly an hour in duration and may be shorter.

When the session is over, I usually give clients a simple and relevant self-help exercise to utilise.

Whether we live with pain or fear or whether we live a relatively normal “lucky” life, we are all familiar with various levels of pain and disharmony. There are however also various levels of harmony we can experience where life simply becomes easier, less of a struggle, more joyful, where we access and hold a deep confidence within us and find ourselves living more authentically and with more fulfilment and fun.

The journey towards harmony and balance is unique for each person. Some people wish to alleviate specific discomforts, others wish to discover deeper ease and authenticity in their lives. Consistency in receiving sessions as well as the regular application of Self-Help routines improves the effect of Jin Shin Jyutsu. In chronic or very acute conditions sessions at frequent intervals are commonly advised.

To make a Jin Shin Jyutsu appointment, or for queries,
telephone Lynda Silk: 084 875 4585 (Cape Town or Durban) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .