
Any person or event in the family history which was too painful or difficult to acknowledge or include exerts a profound influence on generations following. The system will continue to carry that excluded person or event as part of the system and this often shows up in "entanglements". - Deep unconscious connections of an individual in the present with the fate of ancestors of the past, can lead to "entanglements", which disturb the life and relationships of the individual in the present. As the entanglements are brought to light, it is possible to find new loving orders of being.

Influential events in family include:
Did anybody in the family die young or tragically? - a parent, a sibling, an aunt or uncle
Was there a tragedy that could not be properly grieved?
Did a child take on role of parent?
Was anybody cut off from or excluded from the famly?
Did any family member commit a crime?
Did ancestors or other family members have to leave their country of origin?
Did either mother or father have a serious relationship before marrying each other?
Has there been injustice and guilt?
Have there been any other blows of fate?

Attitude to family events
"The events in the family history influence us, and our attitude towards those effects determine how these events affect us. The solution lies in a certain attitude. Via the constellation, we can find the best attitude." The right attitude to the mother has an effect on him and on the mother.
Stephen Hausner

Living in the shadow of the family tree:
"Children seldom or never dare to live a happier or more fulfilling life than their parents. Unconsciously they remain loyal to unspoken family traditions, which work invisibly. Family Constellations are a way of discovering underlying consequential family bonds and forces, which have been carried unconsciously over several generations."
Bertold Ulsamer

Conscience as a group loyalty that ensures survival:
"Conscience, actually, does not tell us what is good or bad. It tells us what we have to do in order to belong to a particular group or to a particular person. Conscience has one basic function: it binds us to our family of origin, especially to this group that is essential for our survival. Therefore, when we follow our conscience, it is not a personal conscience; it is the conscience of our group. If we follow this conscience, we feel safe within our own group.
But by the same token that conscience binds us to our group, it separates us from another group."
Bert Hellinger

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