Breathe easy with Jin Shin Jyutsu


ring-finger-mudra_copyrightDo you ever get a little out of breath when running or walking? Here is something easy you can do to help: simply hold the thumb over the finger nail of the ring finger (as illustrated left). No pressing, no massaging, no effort – simply let your thumb rest there and carry on walking or running or sitting. You’ll be amazed, simply holding this easy finger position can give a great boost to the breathing.

 You may notice additional benefits such as: it can ease tight shoulders, it can help when we’re feeling sad or weepy, it can help ear problems and it can improve the condition of our skin. You can do this “gesture” with one or both hands and you can hold for as long as you like, the longer you hold the greater the benefit. You always have your hands with you and it can never do any harm.

This is some of the simple wisdom and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient art of bringing harmony to body, mind and heart using only gentle non-invasive touch. Read on for information about workshops and courses.