Fingered by fate

Having fallen down the rabbit hole of index finger wisdom I offer the following reflections:

Biting wisdom 

the finger of trust and destiny and Vast Knowing
the raindrop, along its journey, winks at the ocean

connection (fleshiness, relationship) and aloneness
unique, not separate, what do I bring to each connection
Knowing myself through others and knowing myself in my
alonely naked essence

Connective tissue and bone marrow core-
that which I am in my very core does it hold true in my
relating to others and honouring my own
fate, the many heritages that have given my unique form 

duality and oneness
that which transcends “this” and “that” way
of being

the balance between action and simply being
breath and muscle
being each action
movement simply flows
no more catching a breath between “something’s got to be done”

breath becomes “me” in an identity that doesn’t stick
Wont stick, can’t stick
Wind blows it away, water washes it aside

air and water
free of stagnation
relentless transformation 

Index finger of letting go
(there’s nothing as old as yesterday)
letting go of each breath
letting go beyond expectation, anticipation
beyond fear
beyond all lack, inadequacy and personal identity
no too much or too little and nothing to spare
Profound security.

Autumn and winter, a colourful windy slowing
into the still solitude of naked knowing
Surrendering to unobvious, non-manifest essence
a little breath accepted from the Big Breath
is Life
in each breath the fullness of the mystery

Listening. Through the pain, the challenges and the depths.
Listening beyond all defences.
Listening beyond all “deficiencies”
Beyond words yours and mine, beyond even you and me
listening beyond identity
Listening beyond all the known.

This - finger that points to the truth or defends
thank you Bella for biting through its defences
From skin to bone
to the listening core of being

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