In ancient times, numbers were understood as qualities, not just quantities. This I have come to appreciate through my studies in Jin Shin Jyutsu, which identifies where and how these wisdoms inhabit the body and the implications of these truths in our bodies and in our living.

Here then, are some reflections I had on the qualities of 2011 and the wisdoms it may ask us to recognise.

20 is the number of the wisdom of Infinity; 2 next to 0 is the duality looking toward the infinite NO-THING from whence it comes. The wisdom of 20 is of broader perception; it helps me remember who I am at my core, apart from the superficial and constantly changing circumstances and identities that I live.

This understanding of the beginningless endless I Am, is coupled now with the wisdom of 11. Together: the wisdom of who/what I really am (20) with the wisdom of relaxing into being simply that (11).

11 asks us to let go of excess baggage. It is easy to understand what excess baggage is if I am perhaps backpacking through Mexico; it is less obvious to see the excess and invisible baggage I carry with me through each moment of my day to day living. 11 calls for travelling light, so that I might move with ease. Am I travelling lightly through life? What do I carry that might constitute excess baggage?

Perhaps the hugest weight we all carry is any sense of how things could be, might be, should be or once were, or in the future shall be or ought to be. Subtle expectations, and identification with past and future limit our capacity to be 100% here now. Our pride, any habitual tendencies and strategies to protect our sense of who we are; in fact anything that serves to maintain a fixed idea of who I am, limits my capacity to be fully present, in my essence, with the essence of what is now. Letting go of the weight of any tendencies that seek to preserve my idea of who I am, leads to a profound “lightening up”. Challenging as it may be, integrating this wisdom brings joy and laughter. It also gives rise to a tremendous clear confidence. When 11 is in harmony we can make decisions easily.

Where we are fully present, in deep awareness, there is an innate intelligence.

We do not need to do anything other than be fully present and fully aware for that intelligence to be operational. The numbers 20 11 talk of knowing that I am that greater intelligence plus being fully present right now right here, allowing the greater intelligence to express.

When we let go our excess baggage we are able to receive the vastness of what is in any moment. In the body, 11 helps our breathing tremendously, in exhaling we allow space for the inhalation. It is the balance between what we receive and what we let go or what we accumulate. 11 is important in allowing the vital life force to be received, to receive we need to first let go. So to receive the richness of this moment it is necessary to let go of hopes and fears and preferences to Be, to be as it is. 11 grows out of 10, the number of abundance – knowing that abundance is inherent, is IN us, why would we need to carry a load of luggage? Knowing that life is going to bring me all I need, nourish me perfectly and richly, 11 lets go into that. It is not only knowing but now developing confidence in the abundance of life, and letting go into that. 

Letting go of what I had, what I would like, what I wanted, wished for, expected; how things could be, ought to be, should have been, can be in the future.

The wisdom of 11 is the wisdom of becoming free of old thoughts and residue, to release any awkwardness and instead live in total ease. The sages of the east say:  “the great way is easy when you have no preferences”. So ask what are my expectations of myself, of the people and situations around me? Can I lighten this load?

11, being a 2 (1+1 =2) is a number about relationship, while ultimately this is universal relationship, how we relate to Life, it also is all the positions of apparent duality we encounter in any relationships. It is our relationship with ourself; 11 is 1 mirroring itself.

Another wisdom of 11 is Justice, and this is its symbol in the Tarot. When 11 wisdom is integrated a need for justice (a sense of life circumstances being in some way unfair) becomes simply just-is; it just is this way. Justice relaxes into “just is”. We stop judging our circumstances, our relationships, our performance and simply live what is real for us.

20 suggests an awakening, at its most profound to the vastness we are. Preceding this new birth is often a dark incubation space.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu the 11 is important in accessing the wisdom of the heart, that I might live from the heart. Knowing who I am at core is a function of the 20 wisdom, yet core derives from the French word “coeur” which means “heart”. The wisdom of 11 brings a natural discernment allowing us to appropriately take what we need from our life experiences and discard the rest, to hold what comes to us for its natural time and keep in step with the dance of Life. The challenge is to develop deep confidence in the bigger reality, which comes from knowing the vastness of Myself.

20 is a 2 and 11 is a 2 – together we get 22  = 4.  4 the number of manifestation: the formless becomes formed and then formless again. Life expresses itself through constant change; so much can be manifested but none of these manifestations are of any ultimate solidity.

So altogether 2011 could be a time to shake up our ideas of who we are, to let go of our expectations and the weight of all that could be and live so richly what is, live so richly what we are. Letting go is not a “heavy chore” but letting GO of the huge weight – it is a profound “lightening up”. It brings rhythm, happiness joy and laughter.

May we move into this wisdom playfully and have fun with it!

And in the spirit of fun here are some words that add up to 11:
BALANCE (B = 2, A = 1, L = 12, A = 1,  n = 14,  c = 3, e = 5   = 38)  = 11

WISDOM (23+9+19+4+15+3 = 83) = 11

SIMPLE  (19 + 9 + 13 + 16 + 12 + 5 = 74) = 11

PAST (16+1+19+20 = 56) = 11

LOSS (12+15+19+19 = 65) = 11

RHYTHM (18+8+25+20+8+13) = 11

FLOW (6+12+15+23= 56) =11

LAUGHTER (12+1+21+7+8+20+5+18 = 92) = 11

RELATIONSHIP (18+5+12+1+20+9+15+14+19+8+9+16 =146)  = 11 

GLEE (7+12+5+5= 29) = 11

DELIGHT (4+5+12+9+7+8+20=65) = 11

INFINITE TRUTH (14+15=29) = 11


And for those of you who know Mary Burmeister's Jin Shin Jyutsu books and how often she uses this phrase:
BE IT IS IS  (2+5=7; 9+20=29=11; 9+19=28=10; 9+19=28=10; thus 7+11+10+10=38) = 11

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