Who can benefit from Jin Shin Jyutsu

Everybody can benefit from Jin Shin Jyutsu

jin-shin-jyutsu1_webAnybody who is interested in establishing and maintaining harmony and health in their lives can benefit from Jin Shin Jyutsu.

As Jin Shin Jyutsu generally brings deep relaxation that lasts after the session, it is a GREAT helper in stressful times. As an adjunct to other natural therapies or alongside allopathic medical treatment, Jin Shin Jyutsu can be beneficial, in for example alleviating pain, supporting the immune system, boosting vitality and minimising the side-effects of strong medication such as chemotherapy. It can ease a sore back or a restless mind. It can help us through fears, depression and times of upheaval.

Treating the whole person

Because in Jin Shin Jyutsu the mental, emotional and physical aspects of a person are treated as a whole, it is not uncommon to see a range of positive benefits emerging. For example a woman with stroke paralysis attending regular Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions was surprised that not only did the paralysis lessen significantly, and the muscle tone improve, but the anxiety she had held most of her life was greatly reduced, she began to sleep better at night, and further to this her family and friends were amazed to see her skin looking younger and more radiant. She expressed that in many ways she was now in better condition than she had been before the stroke.

How many sessions and how frequently?

Because Jin Shin Jyutsu works to harmonise the deepest cause of our uncomfortable symptoms, this journey is not a "quick fix" and frequently takes time. Usually chronic conditions benefit most from regular sessions over a period of time. Acute discomforts and critical conditions can be treated daily or even twice per day. 

Sometimes quick and dramatic results are witnessed. For example a woman I treated with a dramatic swelling around a knee injury, had twice had the area drained by a doctor, yet the swelling persisted. This woman was shocked to see the knee normalise within 15 minutes during a Jin Shin Jyutsu session and the swelling did not recur. Similarly a woman who had lived with shoulder pain for most of her life was surprised that a single Jin Shin Jyutsu session cleared this pain.

In my practice I have seen harmony come to many conditions including sinusitis, acute and chronic respiratory conditions, acne, migraine, stroke paralysis, chemotherapy side-effects, depression, flu, pain, severe bruising, frozen shoulder, back injuries, grief, chronic constipation, anxiety, panic attacks, arthritis, eczema, bi-polar disorder, auto-immune disease and hormonal imbalances.  I have also seen healthy people discover simple and real support for the stresses and challenges of day to day living. 

Deeper and deeper experience of harmony

Some people wish to alleviate specific discomforts, others wish to discover deeper ease and authenticity in their lives. For each of the levels of disharmony we are able to experience, so too there are deeper and deeper levels of harmony we can live; the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu offers a uniquely simple and empowering tool to support that individual journey.

No contraindications

There are no contraindications for Jin Shin Jyutsu – I have worked with healthy strong individuals and very sick frail people: e.g. teeny newborn babies, strapping strong builders with back injuries, women in labour, head injuries, accidents, people in hospital with many tubes and pipes in them, and I have worked with various animals – dogs, cats even a bird...

To make a Jin Shin Jyutsu appointment, or for queries,
telephone Lynda Silk: 084 875 4585 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .